Why Mediate Instead of Litigate?

Why Mediate Instead of Litigate?

Denise M. Torres serves as a mediator for personal injury claims to help parties settle their disputes without going to trial.  Compared to a lawsuit, mediation is quick, private, fair and less expensive. Depending on the type of case, most mediation sessions last a few hours or a day.

For those already in a lawsuit, mediation empowers litigants to decide the outcome of their own cases. Because parties can speak for themselves, they can bring up personal feelings and practical solutions that litigation might discourage. Denise is an experienced mediator who has mediated hundreds of cases in her career as a personal injury attorney. Other attorneys seek her out to mediate personal injury cases. She understands and respects the mediation process and is skilled in finding points of agreement between those in conflict and moving a dispute to resolution.

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